ראשי English Photokina 2012 Video Interview: Maike Harberts – Leica X System Manager

Photokina 2012 Video Interview: Maike Harberts – Leica X System Manager


During photokina 2012 which took place in late September 2012 we had a chance to interview most of the major players in the photography industry. Today we bring to you our interview with Maike Harberts – Leica's X system manager, talking about some of the new products and designs Leica introduced recently.

During photokina 2012 we had a chance to interview several key managers from Leica, one of them was Maike Harberts who was kind enough to sit down with us and talk a bit about the new X2 and Paul Smith X2 Edition introduced during photokina. Maike Harberts has a long history in the photography world and was actually in charge of the development of the S2 (currently this position is held by Mr. Stephan Schulz who we also interviewed at photokina).

Maike Harberts and the X2 and X2 Paul Smith edition (Credit: Ofir Iluz)

Leica X2 5

A closer look at the X2 Paul Smith edition (Credit: Ofir Iluz)

Leica X2 Paul Smith 1

Our interview with Maike Harberts at photokina 2012


At the Leica booth in photokina were actually displayed many versions of the X2 in different textures and colors – here are a few examples (Credit: Ofir Iluz):

Leica X2 4

Leica X2 3

Leica X2 2

Leica X2 1

Feel free to view our full photokina 2012 English coverage on our dedicated page.

The MegaPixel.co.il team were the guests of Leica for photokina 2012

עידו גנוטעידו גנוט
עידו גנוט הוא עורך ומייסד אתר הצילום מגה פיקסל. הוא מסקר חדשות טכנולוגיה מאז סוף שנות ה-90 וכתב וערך עבור שורה של מגזינים בינלאומיים מובילים. הוא עוסק בתחום הצילום מאז שנת 2009. עידו הוא גם מייסד שותף בחברת ההפקה Shooteat.co.il העוסקת ביצירת תוכן ויזואלי עבור חברות מסחריות.
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טען עוד ב English

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